Firmly believing that our employees are our most important asset, the Company
spends generously on training & development of employees to ensure their
development personally & professionally.
FOTCO understands the importance of its human resource development and thus
ensures to provide a conducive working environment that can add value to the
overall organizational performance.
Our programs on talent acquisition and performance evaluation, has been designed
in order to retain and reward every employee with ample opportunities to prove them
for future leadership role. The Company's compensation packages to its employees
are market-driven and are based on the fair assessment of employees' performance.
In this regard, regular market surveys are being conducted for bench marking and
critical positions development. Hence, the Company is proud to provide opportunities
to its employees that are rewarding both; in terms of compensation and also, in
terms of career opportunities.
The Company believes in open communication with its employees and gives
opportunities to provide and receive open feedback so that their potential can be
tapped accordingly.
Regular team-building activities and other developmental programs are arranged to
encourage employee productivity hence fostering inter-departmental coordination.
The Company also believes in conducting regular feedback sessions and employee
surveys’ related to employee policies, to check on company’s overall atmosphere
and to take further decisions in order to facilitate employees. Regular awareness
sessions on general safety, health and other professional grooming are also planned
for employees for their personal capacity building.